Illinois,  USA

A Night in Hoffman Estates

We were bored as shit and wanted to try something new but it’s already 7pm. So we thought how about we try something new Art  . We were looking up on Groupon as what we can do in art that’s not boring and should be fun and cheap and near by. And we got a nice deal for Wine and Paint which was 5miles from our home. We immediately called up and check if there was any open slot. And luckily they did.

Usually these glasses are 1.5-2 hrs. And they charge some where about 20-30$, sometimes they include wine in that and some times not. We went there around 7.30pm and class was already started. There were lot of people, who started stroking their Canvas. I was little nervous as how it would turnup for me. We were following the instructor.

After halfway, I went and grab wine and then the fun started. We started to blend with the crowd and music and by no time I was half way done in paining and we were down 3 glasses of wine. Started to poke around with Paint brushes on each other cloak. Mixing different colurs..

Instructor was also very friendly, she came to each one of the participants and was suggesting as how we can rectify stuff.

By the time we completed the painting it was already 10pm !!


  1. Before you book a class they will tell which painting they will make us do. If your a newbee Always pic an open landscape or something which you can fill in color easily.. or the painting which doesn’t have minute details.
  2. Always go to a class 5mins early, to get adjusted to atmosphere.
  3. Grab a glass of wine, at the beginning.
  4. Be cool and have fun.
  5. Images wnt turnout to be what you expect or there on screen. But you would laugh for sure. If you are pro, you can sell it there it self.

Contact us if you need a customized Itinerary. We listen to your requirements.